In 2016 Millennials drank 42 percent
of the wine sold in the U.S., more than any other generation. They also
have helped to boost the craft beer industry and the cocktail market.
“Generation Z” are just coming of age and it looks as though this generation is far less
interested in intoxicants of all varieties–from alcohol to cigarettes
and marijuana–than their older siblings and cousins.
Demographically speaking, Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010)
is only slightly smaller than the Millennials (born between 1980 and
1995). According to census numbers, there are about 62.5 million members
of Generation Z and 65 million Millennials in the United States. Much
of this generation is still too young to legally drink, but already
market trends show that the period of rapid sales growth enjoyed by the
alcohol industry may be slowing down.
For more information and statistics ee the Inside Sources Article by Erin Mundahl