Friday, 28 November 2014

Women Who Sit Next To Alcoholic Drinks Seen As More Likely To Consent To Sex

Writing this as a woman I can totally see how the statement "Women Who Sit Next To Alcoholic Drinks Seen As More Likely To Consent To Sex" would be true. 

According to a recent study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review, women who simply sat next to a beer at the bar were perceived by both men and women as more flirtatious and more likely to consent to. Some men perceive alcohol consumption in women as an indication of sexual intent. 

The truth of the matter is that a women’s sexual interest is actually diminished by alcohol, says the Mayo Clinic. Ethanol reduces both men’s and women’s sexual sensitivity with regular and prolonged drinking. In men, alcohol can pose a challenge for getting and maintaining an erection, while for women it can reduce lubrication, ability to orgasm, and the intensity of the orgasm. Meaning that  alcohol is anything but an aphrodisiac.

A team of researchers at Deakin University School of Psychology in  Australia, sought to determine whether assumptions of sexual intent can extend to the simple presence of alcohol. A total of 147 sexually experienced participants
  •  69 male 
  •  78 female
were recruited for the study. The cohort was shown a brief video of social interaction between a man and woman depicted with either a bottle of water or alcohol. The participants were asked to rate the female target on sexual intent to determine the association between gender and alcohol placement of processing sexual intent.

The findings revealed men rated the actress in the video as more flirtatious, promiscuous, and seductive when she was sitting next to the beer, compared to the women participants.

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